
情感導師 6436


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一、其實人生很多時候需要自覺的放棄。當一切都已成為過眼雲煙,放棄已經是最好的詮釋,也就是一種最好的幸福。要定期對記憶進行一次刪除,把不愉快的人和事從記憶中擯棄,格式化自己,才有儲存快樂的空間,沒有過不去的事情,只有過不去的心情,這個世界上有百分之五十的煩惱都是通過好好睡一覺就能解決的 ,至於剩下的一半等睡醒再去想。In fact, many times in life we need to give up consciously. When everything has become a cloud, giving up is the best interpretation, that is, the best happiness. We should delete the memory regularly, discard the unpleasant people and things from the memory and format ourselves, so that we can have the space to store happiness. There are no things we can't go through. Only the mood we can't go through, 50% of the troubles in the world can be solved by a good sleep. As for the remaining half, we can think about them when we wake up.

二、我從未變過,只是學會了偽裝。跌跌撞撞的,走過了人生最喪最灰暗的時刻,那些最難熬的時光。人很多時候,不是跟事過不去,而是跟心過不去。總是太在乎,可真正在乎你的並不多;總是怕失去,當真正失去時又能奈何。人活一世,庸人自擾,其實就是自尋煩惱;想開了就是幸福,想不開就是痛苦。I never changed. I just learned to disguise. Those who stumble through the darkest moments of life, those most difficult moments. Many times, people can't get along with things, but with their hearts. Always care too much, but really care about you not much; Always afraid of losing, when really losing what can be done. People live a lifetime, mediocre people bother, in fact, it is self-seeking troubles; thinking is happiness, can not think is pain.

三、 有時候,失望到一定程度後,反而會開出一朵花來,那朵花的名字叫,無所謂。而我那個室友,在無數次失望傷心以後,選擇了分手。她一直以為是自己太作,直到遇到現在這位Mr Right,她才知道,那段戀情不是毀於前男友情商低,而是毀於沒有愛得那麼深。

Sometimes, disappointment to a certain extent, but will open a flower, the name of the flower, it does not matter. And my roommate, after countless disappointments and heartbreaks, chose to break up. She always thought that she had done too much. Until she met the Mr Right, she didn't know that the love was not destroyed by her ex-boyfriend's low EQ, but by her lack of love.


四、 買得起自己喜歡的東西,去得了自己想去的地方,不會因為身邊人的來或走損失生活的質量,反而會因為花自己的錢,來得更有底氣一些,這就是應該努力的原因。

You can afford what you like and go where you want to go. You won't lose the quality of your life because of the people around you. Instead, you will have more confidence because you spend your money. That's why you should work hard.


Everything you pay for her in silence is not in the eye of the other party. Finally, one day, you decide to say goodbye to your loved ones. You don't want to spend any more time and energy loving someone who doesn't love you.

六、 每個人的內心深處都會保留着一份悲觀色彩,只是因為現實的殘酷,人心的難測,所以才會用層層面具遮蓋起自己真實的一面,沒有人可以從容的面對一切經歷,也沒有人可以淡定的去處理一切遭遇。

Everyone's heart will retain a pessimistic color, just because of the cruelty of reality and the unpredictability of the people's heart, it will cover up their true side with layers of layers. No one can face all the experiences calmly, nor can anyone deal with all the encounters calmly.

七、我希望找到這樣一個人,即使我微笑着說「我還好」的時候,他也能察覺得到我的痛苦。我總想等我考出去了,有的是時間看我喜歡的那些童話和動畫片。十幾年後的我終於承認,有些事情,錯過就是錯過了,就算勉強彌補,也不是當時的樣子。I hope to find someone who can feel my pain even when I say "I'm OK" with a smile. I always want to wait for my exam. I have time to watch my favorite fairy tales and cartoons. More than a decade later, I finally admitted that some things, missed is missed, even if reluctantly compensated for, is not what it was like at that time.

八、世界太大還是遇見你,世界太小還是丟了你。用隨和淡然的態度,過隨遇而安的生活。不慌不忙地堅強,安安靜靜地盛大。The world is too big or meets you, the world is too small or lost you. Live a life of ease and indifference. Strong without hurry, quiet and grand.

九、你走不進那個人的心裡,不一定是你不夠努力,而是那個人也不斷在加固心裡的那堵牆。活着就要記住,人生最痛苦最絕望的那一刻是最難熬的一刻,但不是生命結束的最後一刻;熬過去掙過去就會開始體驗呼喚未來的生活,有一種對生活的無限熱情和渴望。You can't walk into that person's heart, not necessarily because you don't work hard enough, but because that person is constantly strengthening the wall in his heart. To live, we must remember that the most painful and desperate moment in life is the most difficult moment, but not the last moment of the end of life; when we get through the past, we will begin to experience the life calling for the future, with an infinite passion and desire for life.

十、 那些連再見都沒有說就離開的人,大概以後再也不會相見,畢竟贊夠了失望的人是不會回頭的。人們看天氣預報時往往看自己住的地方而我不一樣我看你住的地方Those who leave without saying goodbye will probably never see each other again. After all, those who have praised and disappointed enough will never look back. When people look at the weather forecast, they tend to see where they live, but I don't see where you live.

十一、嘗試過愛而不得的心酸之後,我們也終於學會了適可而止。大概每個人的餘生,都是從另一個人的離開開始的吧。你需要我的時候,我都在。到我需要你的時候,我始終找不到你。或許我要的,你給的,都不相同。After experimenting with the bitterness of love, we finally learned to stop. Perhaps the rest of everyone's life begins with the departure of another person. I'll be there when you need me. I can't find you until I need you. Maybe what I want and what you give are different.

十二、常常責怪自己,為什麼不早點懂得愛情,懂得珍惜,後來,看過無數風景,走過許多城市村莊才明白,愛情唯其遙遠而真實,失去你我也很難受,轉過無數路口,後來再也沒有遇見過。有緣無分的人,告別後,滄海變桑田,距離無限遙遠,也許我此生都不能再到達你的城池,有一種思念,隔着距離,只剩苦澀。Often blame oneself, why not understand love early, know how to cherish, later, after seeing countless scenery, through many cities and villages to understand that love is only remote and real, I also feel sad to lose you, turn countless intersections, and never met again. The fate of the people, farewell, the vicissitudes of change, infinite distance, perhaps I can no longer reach your city in this life, there is a miss, across the distance, only bitter and astringent.

十三、 你輕描淡寫的曾經,卻是我此生難忘的刻骨銘心。如果我從沒遇見你,如果我從沒愛上你,如果我一開始沒堅信,也許我就不會是現在的這個自己。You have understated the past, but it is unforgettable in my life. If I never met you, if I never fell in love with you, if I didn't believe in you at first, maybe I would not be the person I am now.

十四、愛一個人的感覺就像是在賭,押上你的時間,精力和一顆真心,想要他看你一眼,再一眼,你押得越來越多,越來越捨不得收手,有的人贏得衣缽滿盆,有的人輸得分文不剩。別說你不求回報,上了賭桌的人,沒有一個想空着口袋走;容易被激怒的,大多是弱者,因為弱者才會逞強,強者往往懂得示弱。同理,刻薄是因為底子薄,尖酸是因為心裡酸。Loving someone feels like gambling, putting your time, energy and a heart on it. You want him to look at you. Once again, you are betting more and more, and you are reluctant to stop. Some people win bowls and some lose pennies. Don't say you don't ask for reward. No one at the gambling table wants to go empty pockets. Most of the people who are prone to anger are the weak, because the weak will succeed, and the strong will always know how to show their weakness. Similarly, being mean is because of a thin foundation, and being sour is because of a sour heart.

十五、就像生活,就像愛情,就像婚姻,是永遠的永恆話題,永遠沒有定論,因為任何這其中的一件都是牽一髮而動全身。所以,一個人要真正的去理解感情這件事,就永遠不要執着於自己的感情本身,否則永遠不可能理解。Just like life, like love, like marriage, is an eternal topic, there is no final conclusion, because any one of them is involved and touches the whole body. Therefore, if a person wants to really understand the emotions, he should never stick to his own feelings, otherwise he can never understand them.

十六、時間,不一定能證明許多東西,但一定會看透許多東西。越來越覺得,照顧好自己,不給別人添麻煩,是成長重要的一步。Time may not prove many things, but it must see through many things. More and more people feel that taking care of themselves and not causing trouble to others is an important step in their growth.

十七、成熟,不是心變老,而是繁華過後的淡定。隨着年輪漸漸淡忘,沉澱於心的,一半是對美好的追求,一半是對殘缺的接納。曾經看不慣,受不了的,如今不過淡然一笑。Maturity is not the old heart, but the calm after prosperity. As the rings fade away and settle in the heart, half is the pursuit of beauty, half is the acceptance of disability. Once I couldn't stand it, but now I just laugh.

十八、如果敵人讓你生氣,那說明你還沒有勝他的把握;如果朋友讓你生氣,那說明你仍然在意跟他的友情。你身上的溫暖蠱惑了我,讓我誤以為那就是愛情。我手裡拿着刀,沒法抱你。我放下刀,沒法保護你。If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure you can beat him; if the friend makes you angry, it means that you still care about the friendship with him. The warmth of your body has bewitched me and made me mistake it for love. I can't hold you with a knife in my hand. I can't protect you by putting down my knife.


2024-07-17 15:07:49


2024-06-21 01:06:01


2024-05-15 19:05:44

發了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎麼辦呢?

2024-04-19 03:04:25

發了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎麼辦呢?


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