
情感導師 5305


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When you are tired and bitter, you have to grind your teeth and stick to it, because there is still a home behind you that needs you. All the difficulties are carried by oneself. This is responsibility. To live unhappily is essentially due to one's own incompetence. Everything in the world has its ups and downs; the feeling of life has its joys and sorrows. Prosperity, not complacency, arrogance, joy can continue; adversity, not discouraged, despair, sadness, things have a turning point. On the way of life, no matter what, we must go on.


One person is lovelorn, the whole world is insomniac. A person in a daze, a person in a monologue. Someday, I will sing to you, so that you can hear heartbreak, so that you can listen like a drunk. Sometimes I am grateful for life, but more often I hate life. Life can push everyone to the top and push everyone to hell.



Think about how to get rich. Don't always be sad about spring and autumn in the emotional world. The money you hold in your hand is always more solid than that you can't grasp. When your heart is really in pain and your tears are about to flow down, look up and see the sky that once belonged to us. If the sky is still so vast and the clouds are still so natural, you should not cry because my leaving has not taken away your world.


The saddest thing in the world is that when the person who loved you in the past becomes everything to you, you are no longer important to her. Scarecrow is very good, not sad, not happy, not worried, enjoy embracing the sun, with the trees.

五、「你看那個人,好奇怪喲,像一條狗」。像條狗的人,是放棄了人間的男女情歡,無欲無念兢兢業業走在西天取經路上的至尊寶。他如你我這般,收起了脾氣火氣不再任性淘氣,只顧奔波職場。人生百年,誰不曾大鬧天宮,誰不曾頭上緊箍,誰不曾愛上層樓,誰不曾孤單上路。"Look at that man, curious, like a dog." A man like a dog is the supreme treasure of abandoning the love and happiness of men and women in the world and walking conscientiously and willlessly on the road of taking Sutras in the west. Like you and me, he put aside his temper and stopped being wilful and naughty, and just went to work. In a hundred years of life, no one has ever made a great disturbance in the Heaven Palace, no one has ever been tied up on his head, no one has ever fallen in love with upstairs, and no one has ever gone on the road alone.

六、生命中總有一些事會錯過,總有一些人會忘記,總有一些日子會忽略,但是有一個日子絕對不能忘,有一個人絕不能錯過,祝你平安夜平安,聖誕快樂無邊;遇見你之後,我的偉大抱負和一腔熱血,都變成黃昏與你歸家走在小路上的簡單願望。There are always some things in life that will be missed, there are always some people who will forget, there are always some days that will be ignored, but there is a day that must not be forgotten, there is a person who must not miss, wish you a safe Christmas Eve, a merry Christmas, after meeting you, my great ambition and a cavity of blood, have become the twilight and your simple wish to go home on the path.

七、雖然說強扭的瓜不甜,但有時候我並不在乎它甜不甜,我只想把它扭下來,扭下來我就開心了。,'世界上最遙遠的距離,不是生與死,而是我就站在你面前,而你卻不知道我愛你。'可是知道又怎樣呢?她不在了,只有去墓碑前哭無聲歲月嗎?十二月,不曾有過奇蹟,超能力,也無法挽回已逝的人們。承諾又如何,不會讓任何人傷我的心,而你,卻深深傷害到我。我愛的人從來就是你,夢中夢終於碎了。Although the strong melon is not sweet, sometimes I don't care whether it is sweet or not. I just want to twist it off and I'm happy. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you. & Am; 39; But what do you know? She's gone, only to go to the tombstone and cry silently for years? In December, there was no miracle, no superpower, no way to save the dead. What about the promise, it won't let anybody hurt my heart, but you hurt me deeply. The person I love has always been you. The dream is broken at last.

八、生活告訴我們,這個世界從來不存在完美的人和事,過於完美的感情,只發生在童話和想象中,現實的常態,除了平淡,就是千瘡百孔與劫後重生。Life tells us that there are never perfect people and things in the world, and that too perfect feelings only occur in fairy tales and imaginations. The normal reality, apart from being plain, is full of holes and rebirth after disaster.

九、要學會接受命的殘缺和悲哀,然後,心平氣和。因為,這就是人生。起早摸黑,忙忙碌碌,就這樣一天一天地過着重複的生活…你會發現,只會有人問你掙多少錢?卻很少有人問你累不累?開不開心?生活就是這樣,別人只看結果,自己獨撐過程。有時你會覺得莫名的累,身累?心累?但所有的累只能一笑而過。早安!Learn to accept the incompleteness and sadness of life, and then be calm. Because this is life. Get up early and get dark, busy, and live a repetitive life day by day. You will find that only people ask you how much money you earn. But few people ask you if you are tired? Are you happy? Life is like this. Others only look at the results and support the process by themselves. Sometimes you feel inexplicably tired, tired? Heart tired? But all tiredness can only be laughed off. Good morning!

十、所謂生活,放下年少的夢,撿起現實的俗。所以很多剛剛戀愛的人,尤其是女生不想過早的發生性關係,又不好意思拒絕男生的邀約,有些時候會很糾結。The so-called life, put down the young dream, pick up the reality of vulgarity. So many people who have just fallen in love, especially girls, do not want to have sex prematurely, and they are embarrassed to refuse the invitation of boys, sometimes they will be very entangled.

十一、當你餓的時候,有的人會把饅頭分給你一半,這是友情,有的人會把饅頭讓給你先吃,這是愛情,有的人會把饅頭全給你,這是親情,有的人會把饅頭藏了起來,對你說他也餓,這就是社會。When you are hungry, some people will give you half of the steamed bread, which is friendship, some people will give you steamed bread to eat first, this is love, some people will give you all the steamed bread, this is family affection, some people will hide the steamed bread, tell you that he is hungry, this is society.

十二、永遠不要忘了,當初你為什麼選擇做一件事情,你最初的那份幹勁,那份激情,永遠都不要讓它減退,如果它正在減退,說明你也即將出局。沒有什麼可以一夜暴富,只有腳踏實地堅持着你才會成功,急功近利的也只會出局。永遠保持當初的那份積極和熱情。不忘初心,方得始終!Never forget, why did you choose to do something at the beginning, your original energy, passion, never let it fade, if it is fading, that means you will be out. Nothing can make a fortune overnight. You can only succeed if you keep your feet on the ground. You can only get out if you are eager for quick success and instant benefit. Always keep the original enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

十三、人生如月,月滿則虧,凡事豈能都盡人意,但求於心無愧。木已成舟便要順其自然。心容易滿足,你才會感覺幸福,歡樂與悲哀是伴生的,歡樂有度會歡樂常伴。Life is like a moon, but when the moon is full, it loses. How can everything be satisfactory, but with a clear conscience? When a boat is built, let nature take its course. The heart is easy to satisfy, you will feel happy, joy and sorrow are accompanied, joy will be accompanied by joy at some time.

十四、紙質閱讀是一種習慣,一杯茶,坐在沙發上,或者就像小資的人會在雨天讀書,這不是矯情,確實是生活的一種詩意。一樣是閱讀,它是有封面的,有厚度的,會發黃的,希望紙質閱讀永遠流傳。Paper reading is a habit, a cup of tea, sitting on the sofa, or like a petty bourgeoisie who will read in the rain, it is not artificial, it is indeed a kind of poetry of life. The same is reading. It has a cover, a thickness, and will be yellow. I hope that paper reading will be spread forever.

十五、第一遇註定了會有第二遇是怪相遇決定了悲劇還是怪執着或無情翻山越嶺只為了心中的那個身影跋山涉水只換來最後的一瞬歡一切皆是錯誰知身不由己心亦不由己The first encounter is doomed to have the second encounter. Whether the tragedy is decided by the strange encounter, or whether the tragedy is determined by the strange persistence or ruthlessness of climbing mountains and mountains just for the figure in the heart, trudging mountains and rivers, only for the last moment of joy. Everything is wrong. Who knows himself or herself.

十六、人生,總有許多溝坎需要跨越;歲月,總有許多遺憾需要彌補;生命,總有許多迷茫需要領悟。痛並快樂着,思索並追尋着,彩虹總在風雨後。Life, there are always many gullies to cross; years, there are always many regrets to make up for; life, there are always many confused need to understand. Pain and happiness, thinking and pursuing, rainbow always after the storm.

十七、人生,不管是不平,還是愧疚,或是缺憾,不圓滿才是真實的人生。時間不回頭,我們卻需要有昂揚的鬥志,才能承受生活的刁難,需要帶着足夠的勇氣,勇敢穿透現實的迷障。Life, whether it is unfair, guilty, or regretful, is not perfect is the real life. Time does not turn back, but we need to have a high spirit of struggle, to withstand the difficulties of life, need to take enough courage, brave through the obstacles of reality.

十八、永遠不要在痛苦的時候做決定,否則你以後一定會後悔。 讓一段關係保持長久的方法就是你走你的路,我過我的橋,我們在各自的生活里忙碌,但是你要相信,總有一天我們會不期而遇,停下來寒暄幾句或是給彼此一個大大的擁抱,充電之後繼續好好生活,隨心所欲,不逾矩。Never make a decision when you are in pain, or you will regret it later. The way to keep a relationship going for a long time is to walk your way. I cross my bridge. We are busy in our respective lives. But you have to believe that one day we will meet unexpectedly, stop to greet each other or give each other a big hug. After recharging, we will continue to live a good life and do what we want.

十九、生活的苦澀不是說出來的,不管你是以什麼身份,什麼年齡段,生活給予的壓力都太大。我永遠相信只要永不放棄,我們還是有機會的。The bitterness of life is not to say, no matter what status you are, what age, life gives too much pressure. I always believe that as long as we never give up, we still have a chance.

二十、這世界上只要有夢想,只要不斷努力,只要不斷學習,不管你長得如何,不管是這樣,還是那樣,男人的長相往往和他的的才華成反比。今天很殘酷,明天更殘酷,後天很美好,但絕對大部分是死在明天晚上,所以每個人不要放棄今天。In this world, as long as you have dreams, as long as you keep working hard, as long as you keep learning, no matter how you look, no matter what it is, or so, a man's appearance is often inversely proportional to his talent. Today is very cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, but absolutely most of them die tomorrow night, so everyone should not give up today.

二十一、如果能毫不費力的做到,沒有人會選擇拖延。思念是一種流淚的幸福。此生,你是我最美的相遇,因為太美,所以心碎。因為愛你,我忘記了自己。因為愛你,我不懂得如何安放自己;因為愛你,我的指尖憂傷了紙箋。左手憂愁,右手甜蜜。If you can do it effortlessly, no one will choose to delay. Missing is a kind of happiness in tears. This life, you are my most beautiful encounter, because too beautiful, so heartbroken. Because I love you, I forget myself. Because I love you, I don't know how to place myself; because I love you, my fingertips are sad. The left hand is sad, the right hand is sweet.

二十二、歷經風雨,才能看透人心真假;患難與共,才能領悟感情冷暖。熱情的未必長情,淡然的未必漠然。你的笑聲,永遠是我最好的安眠藥。我要感謝過去讓我遇到了你,不論前方有多長,未來只要有你一切都好。Only by going through storms can we see through the truth of people's hearts; only by sharing weal and woe Can we comprehend the warmth and coldness of feelings. Passionate may not be affectionate, indifferent may not be indifferent. Your laughter is always my best sleeping pill. I want to thank the past for letting me meet you, no matter how long ahead, as long as you have everything in the future.


2024-08-29 11:08:17


2024-04-14 18:04:12

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